Tuesday, March 24, 2009

If the Earth is Round........

I'm looking now through the window at the mountains; it's my first time to get on a plane. I felt my heart is flying too. A new sms on the mobile from my brother:" I'll be in the coffee shop waiting for you".

I really needed this vacation, after resigning from the university and leaving behind its miseries I need to have some fun out of the life.

I remember my manager at my part time job "I am not sure you are coming back, your depression this time is different". He is a nice guy. I thought alot of not coming back again. I have a sense of exploring evey corner in the world. I think my life time ain't enough to spend on such journey. this is the perfect way of spending one's life; to keep revolving round the earth as a moon. living in one place is boring. time and place are my worst enemies. God didnt mean us living in a single place, we are simply created to live on earth, on all of it not in a particular place. unity of place is what makes varieties of cultures. if people had learned to live on earth there would have been one culture. people would have been able to communicate better. I dont think we are here to settle down.

While I was busy with my endless thoughts I was alarmed by the beautiful soft voice that interrupted my meditation: "would you care for something to drink sir?" in a second I felt like I have heard that voice before. I put off my sunglasses which I had forgot to take off by this time and turned a little to the left and looked at the speaker. These greenish cat-like eyes that I will never forget were looking at me in recognition. our lips parted. I put down my eyes trying to realize that I'm not dreaming and lifted them again; yes its she; Norah; my only love, is offering me something to drink. it's not only for me; it's an offer that she does to everyone on the plane. I'm no longer her special one. I saw her blush, her eyes went everywhere. She couldnt speak. the man setting next to me looked at me first, I dont know how I looked, then looked at her in amazement. I didnt see him but I felt so. she repeated once again in a trembling voice:"wud ya care for something to dring". " yes... no. sorry what do you have?" hesitantly I replied. then quickly I said: " Orange juice... fresh please". She went away. the man next to me went away too. May be he went to the toilet. she came back, before he does, holding a tray on which there's a cup of orange juice. She came closer, helped me with the cup. I saw a smile on her red face. A tear came to my left eye. I tried to stop it. She looked at me, she saw the tear that dropped suddenly as I asked her:"Why did you leave me?"

Her eyes grew red all of a sudden and she dropped into a deep weeping that was inappropriate during her working hours. She left the cup in my hand, stepped a little to the back returned and ran quickly to where I couldnt see her.

My God! I need to understand what is that? Why does this happen? I kept my sorrow deep inside for four years. I could forget her most of the time, although I couldnt get into terms with another woman. But I could stand. Why should the pain be retrieved? Did you send us together to meet again to complete the journey of agoney. I have lost alot, I have lost enough.

I couldnt stop thinking and my heart couldnt stop beating very fast. I felt a strong desire to cry, I felt my tears could quinch all the thirst of my past. I put on my sunglasses again, opened my suitcase, and put my head in it as if looking for something. I cried every single moment i spent in torture and need. I cried all my sorrows and all my pains.

Now the plane is landing. we met once again at the stairs of the plane. she said" I'll need to see you". I haven't change my number since then, hoping that you might call me once". Stepped forward quickly and left her. ran quickly to the gates. went out, met my brother, hugged him tightly as if i only miss to be hugged. Got into the car and went away....


أسما said...

God! Really sorry i didn't read this earlier, just lost hope that u wud ever write anything on this blog. U met?!

blue indifference said...

we have met in a dream.

Snow_white said...

A wonderful blog site with fantastic ideas . It's such a pleasure to read and enjoy yours creations.and also i loved your way to describe your feelings towards Norah

blue indifference said...

Thanx Snow white for this beautiful comment, and for considering this humble space a wonderful blog.