Friday, March 21, 2008

Oil is running out

Many experts in the field of oil and mining and also Geology assure that the oil is now reaching its highest point of production and that by 2012 it will begin to decrease gradually and then by the end of 2017 it will fall suddenly and quickly. Some think that by the end of 2050 there might be no oil in the whole world.
This is a terrible statistics for nearly nothing we do nowadays doesn't depend a way or another on oil. that means that industry my stop, factories will close and the most important there won't be wars. We will get back to become primitive societies again.
That makes me happy and makes me sad as well. Happy for the ghost of the western occupation of the east may cease when no more oil is to be there in the east. and sad, chiefly because i dont want to get back but to go forward.
But actually we pass very difficult and unprecedented moments in our age. Oil in itself, with the greed of the industrial nations upon it forms nearly half of the tragedy the world lives today. America knows well that the Oil of the world is running out and so the
Business-man-president and oil engineer George W. Bush with the group of assholes around him are doing their best to fuck the world up and get the Oil. Here he comes to assure that his war on Iraq is now harvesting its fruit.
According to my revolutionary nature I think that Arab Peoples should form a party called the Anti Oil Party.

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